Monday, January 6, 2014

An "Arctic Vortex"- How Am I Supposed to Run Through This?!?!

Being a "runner" in Chicago in January is not fun. In fact, it stinks, and is a depressing self-defeating piece of my identity.

I have all the running gear- the heavy running jackets, the masks that make you look like a bank robber, the gloves, the insulated running tights, - yes yes it's all in my drawer.

But when you're faced with this:

And recently temperatures that have gone so low in the past couple of days- I don't know how we as human beings live here- it seems that I might just have to resort to this:
Now I hate treadmills, with a passion. When I say I love running, I am not talking about on a treadmill. I feel like treadmill running is usually a slow form of torture, I happen to have one in my basement though.

So guess what happens when it's this cold, this snowy, this icy- and I can't run outside but don't want to run on the dreadmill-

I go days and days without doing anything. The unhealthy, sabotaging side of my brain throws a party and says "woo hoo, we finally got her- that's right, this is miserable, just keep sitting on the couch, eat a bag of tortilla chips while you're there, that's a good girl"

In the cold of winter- this is the time we need to push to be motivated to exercise. It's a time to try something new, try something fun, and challenge ourselves in other ways.

We need to create a cognitive mantra to respond to the sabotaging thought that says- "I'm going to exercise today no matter what- whats up to me is what kind of exercise I do."

Is it a new Jillian Michaels video that I found pirated on youtube:

Is it meeting up with a few friends on New Years to be a little craaazy and face the snowy icey wind head on:
(note the icicles on our eyelashes, thank you for being dumb, dumber, and dumbest with me M and W)

Is it this workout that I tried Saturday night when I couldn't leave the house- which was so hard I felt like I was going to throw up afterwards- in a good way ofcourse:

Is it trying to do short intervals on the treadmill so at least I can keep my mind engaged in that while I stare at my basement wall:

Or going out with my mother in law to do zumba on a night that's 17 below zero

We just have to keep the mantra up- "It's not if I exercise- it's- which exercise am I going to do?

So it really does stink to be a runner in Chicago in January- but I just tell that runner in me that's dying to come out- don't worry- it'll get warm again one day- or at least after a day like today, I certainly hope so. And if not- I'm collecting miles from generous souls to send me away someone warm- I'm thinking a half marathon in Jamaica in February sounds really nice right now.............................

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