Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sometimes You Need to Give In.....

Seeing something delicious but less than healthy (that you really want to eat!) can be challenging to resist.

Coming home after a really long day, feeding your family dinner, cleaning up from the long day, and then being faced with a box of Oreos is hard to resist.

Being invited to your friends birthday party where you planned on only sticking to the fruits and vegetables- to then find out that she's serving your absolute favorite dessert takes a really strong iron will to overcome.

But do you always have to walk away?

The answer, especially once you're at a healthy weight, and even if you're still in "weight loss" mode is no, you don't always have to have a zero tolerance rule.

If anything- sometimes the amount of emotional energy it will take to completely walk away may not be worth your while in that moment.

So should you give in and eat what you want when you want? Well obviously no- and if you're interested in this blog you probably already knew the answer to that.

When faced in situations like the ones above you have three options: can say no, strengthen your 'resistance muscle' and walk away can say yes- but decide ahead of time the amount- and make it a smaller amount then you would normally have (2 Oreos instead of 4, half a piece of cake instead of a jumbo size, 10 tortilla chips instead of 20).

3. If you were planning to have a "treat" food the next day you can ask you yourself- do I want this more than the treat food I'm having tomorrow? If yes- then go for it and skip the planned treat. If not- use the treat food to keep yourself from eating the food right in front of you.

As always, the moral of the story is- make a plan- and insert a thought process into your food eating. You don't have to live without the food you love- you just need to put it in it's proper place and time.

With Chanukah and Thanksgiving upon us- there has never been a better time to practice the skills of planning ahead and when tempted- choosing from the options above.

Good Luck! Enjoy life and Stay Healthy!