Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Every day and every effort is amazing

This has not been the smooth ride I though it would be.

The first time I got healthy, it was amazing. I am realizing now that part of why it was amazing was that it all surprised me. The weight loss, the strength, and the feeling that I can do it was all so new that it was incredibly motivating.

This time, I have the feeling of "I should be able to do this". Every pound lost is being met with a "finally" by me instead of a "yay this is incredible." It's not all new and novel. It's old news, and its difficult.

This is a mistake. Expectations that are being put on me without any positive affirmation are not ok.

We all do this, I once heard this concept be called "the tyranny of the shoulds"

I should be thin

I should be able to do this easily

I should be eating healthy


I should be thrilled about eating healthy and exercise.

But what we want to move towards is a balance between positive motivation and acceptance:

This may not be as easy this time, and thats ok

My body may not be ready for a hard amount of intense exercise, and that's ok.

I may struggle and feel unmotivated at times, and thats ok (as long as I don't too badly self sabotage the health goals I'm trying to meet)

I accept that with each baby it might get harder,
I accept as I get older it might get harder,
I accept that there may be other things going on in my life right now that are a higher priority than healthy food and exercise on any given day

I need to shower love and acceptance on myself, on my situation, and not a sense of disappointment.

While at the same time remembering every morning:

I love my body and I need to keep it healthy
I feel so good after I exercise
I feel so good after a day of healthy eating and giving my body what it needs
I feel so good about myself when I'm able to fit into my clothes
I want to be able to run faster and without pain which most definitely means I need to slowly lose more weight.

It's a balance, good days, hard days, lots of exercise, letting my body rest, feeling motivated, feeling done with it

And thats ok.

Let the journey towards health continue

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