Sunday, February 16, 2014

Making a Mental Game Plan

I have to go to a wedding tonight, and this is after having gone to a large party yesterday at my synagogue. Both events mean the same thing:


Meats, deli chunks, cookies, cake pops, brownies, candy dishes, breads, assorted nuts, ................

You get the picture.

I think this is the thing that most people feel the most "out of control" about. Like they have good intentions but then- how could they help it?

They can't be the only one not eating?!!

They can't go to a wedding for 6 hours and not eat?!!

They can't be held responsible for pigging out on their FAVORITE FOOD that they had no idea was going to be there?!?!?

Case closed right? Can't be healthy and be someone that goes to food events- might as well give up.

Not so fast- there is a way to get through this- its really quite simple- but takes some forethought.

Make a plan.

That's it. Make a plan. Decide ahead of time what you're going to eat, how much of it you're going to it, and make a commitment to sticking to it- NO MATTER WHAT

The trick to this is being realistic and fair. A plan could look like this "I will eat one dessert item equal to but no bigger than the size of three fingers. And then I can have five little candies or nuts from a bowl" or "I can have a half a cup serving size of cholent of cut up roast meat- and 3 candies" or "One dessert and as much fruit as I want".

A plan at a wedding could be this ask for the vegetarian or salmon dinner- you can eat salmon the size of your palm, all the vegetables, and half a cup of a starch. Separate out right away to two different sides of the plate what you are and are not going to eat. Stick to it, and either no dessert or a portion of the dessert.

Then- here's the next important step- picture yourself actually doing it- close your eyes- and envision yourself walking into the room full of food- only taking the food you have planned on your plate- and then being done. Picture other people around you pigging out, eating a ton of food around you- and then imagine yourself smiling about the fact that you're going to stick to your plan no matter what. Then picture yourself walking out of the room or event proud of yourself for what you've accomplished.

One important side note to this is a behavioral technique on top of the cognitive one listed above- Eat before you leave. Have a bowl of cereal, vegetable soup, or a whole wheat sandwich before you leave the house. Do not walk into these events hungry, that is a recipe for disaster.

So plan ahead- don't underestimate the power of mental pre-planning, and be proud of yourself consciously every time you keep to your mental game plan.

You can be the social event diva that you want to be- without the extra calories.

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