Monday, December 16, 2013

The Power of a Craving

The feeling is there and it's intense.

I want the chocolate

I need the chocolate

I will have the chocolate

It consumes you, blocks your thoughts, stops your productivity, and makes you down right cranky.

I find that especially small little things, like chocolate covered almonds, M&M's, or things like that are the most deadly.

"They're so small, 2 or 3 won't make a difference"- my mind always tries that trick on me- because in the past it always worked.

My favorite author and expert on this topic Dr. Judith Beck suggests an experiment: she calls it the Hunger Experiments (not to be confused with the Hunger Games- trust me- though equal in brutality, these are two very different events)

She would probably label little chocolates a trigger food for me, and here's how the experiment works. Take your trigger food- buy it and bring it home. Prepare all the reasons why you want this (your advantages) prepare a list of distracting activities to do, and picture yourself strong and confident. Then take your trigger food, open it in front of you. Smell it, hold on, and keep on doing it until that intense craving feeling fills your being.

Then note the time, pick up the food, throw it in the garbage, and walk away (if tempted to garbage eat, which we know every person does at some point in their life, consider pouring vinegar on it as well).

If you're upset about the waste of food- I hear you- but that food is not food, it's garbage- and the question is whether its going to rot in your stomach or in the garbage can.

Go do your distracting activity, call a friend, go for a walk, play a game, read a book, DO SOMETHING ELSE AND GET DISTRACTED.

When its over, note the time, and how long it took for the intensity to go away.

Then write down a memory, either in your journal, your date book, or on an index card that says "on this day, i resisted, I walked away, I distracted, and I was strong- I can do it'.

Does this solve the issue or cravings no? Does it mean that when you're at someone else's party you can go over to the refreshment table and throw away the trays so that you don't eat the craving food? Well maybe, but don't expect to every be invited anywhere again.

What it does mean is that your are stating to plant a seed in your brain that knows, that is sure, that you CAN DO IT. That when it comes down to it YOU ARE STRONG and YOU CAN RESIST. And slowly but surely you will crave that feels of strength as much as you crave the chocolate.

Additionally- once I felt that I was in control of the amount, I also planned in treats for myself of these little chocolate goodies. That way I don't feel deprived- I ate it when I planned on it and stuck to a set amount.

So do I find myself still reaching for the small candy bowl absent mindedly or with evil intent? Absolutely- but I work on myself- and I celebrate every victory where I'm able to withstand the urge. And I forgive myself easily when I don't.

So what do you think? Are you game for a little experiment?

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