You know what I'm talking about- that voice....... that annoying voice in our heads that when its late, or we've had an exhausting day, or when we don't want to have to prepare ourselves something healthy when there's so much good perfectly made unhealthy food around us.
the voice that says :
I don't care anymore!!!
I don't care if I can't fit into my skirts anymore.
And I don't care if it's bad for my heart.
And I don't care that I've worked so hard, I just don't CARE!
You know that voice?
I know that voice, and for some reason it's been speaking pretty loudly in my head recently.
Dr. Beck in her book, labeled that 'our teenager voice'
Thats the voice thats inside of us, with it's arm crossed across her chest, snapping gum loudly, while breaking curfew and ditching school and looking at you with a stare that says 'oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it.'
Otherwise known as our teenager voice.
And whats the best way to handle a teenager? Acknowledge her needs, label the rebellion for what it is- just a phase, and move on.
The same is true with that voice. When you hear it inside of you, urging you to eat what you want, skip exercise, and give up on this whole stupid health thing- the first thing you need to do is:
-Laugh, its funny that we still have that piece of us inside telling us what to do.
-Acknowledge the want to just not care - it would make life a whole lot easier
-Distract- do something else for a minute to clear your mind
-Redirect- go read where you wrote down the reasons you wanted to be healthy in the first place, or call someone who you know can re-motivate you to where you want to be.
But please, don't hand out the keys to your teenager voice- in a few days time when you snap out of it- you will not be pleased with the havoc wreaked on your body and your resolve.